HOW TO USE van de Graaff generator

Method of application

1. Clean the surface of storage ball, belt pulley, rubber belt, acrylic

tube, discharge ball with clean, soft cloth, and keep them in dry,

clean condition.

2. Make the rubber belt in proper tightness by adjusting screw and

rubber belt.

3. Collecting comb should be near to the rubber belt as possible,

but collecting comb and rubber belt should not contact with each


4. Insert the wire of discharge ball into earth connector

5. Take off the upper hemisphere of the discharge ball, and turn on

the power. Try to operate the instrument for several minutes.

Turn on the switch if it is wet, and expel the humidity inside by

the baking of bulb.

Storage and Maintenance

1. Loosen the rubber belt after finishing the operation, and store it

in a dry, dust free place.

2. When high humidity exists, it is forbidden to bake it with naked

flame, as the instrument may be distorted or destroyed.
