Product Description

Electronic Induction Coils were widely used in x-ray machines, spark-gap radio transmitters, arc lighting and quack medical electrotherapy devices in early 20th century. This very higher voltage power source can be used in a variety of physics experiments invooving spectrum tubes,cathode ray tubes ,eletric bomber between liquid/soild medium,and more...

Product Detail

Electronic Induction Coil

Gelsonlab HSPEM-004 Electronic Induction Coil The induction coil

An induction coil or “spark coil” (archaically known as an inductorium or Ruhmkorff coil after Heinrich Ruhmkorff) is a type of electrical transformer used to produce high-voltage pulses from a low-voltage direct current (DC) supply. To create the flux changes necessary to induce voltage in the secondary, the direct current in the primary is repeatedly interrupted by a vibrating mechanical contact called an interrupter. Developed beginning in 1836 by Nicholas Callan and others, the induction coil was the first type of transformer. Electronic Induction Coils were widely used in x-ray machines, spark-gap radio transmitters, arc lighting and quack medical electrotherapy devices in early 20th century

This very higher voltage power source can be used in a variety of physics experiments invooving spectrum tubes,cathode ray tubes ,eletric bomber between liquid/soild medium,and more...

With hammer interrupter and extinguishing capacitor.

use build-in battery pack or power supply with  input 6 to 12V DC.

Produces 10 to 50 KV continuous voltage.

Overall size :250*100*200MM

Product Weight:1.5KG

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